Thursday, June 2, 2011

Post-Production: Evaluation Report of Advert

As my last Task for unite 30 I had to write a 500 word evaluation report about my advert. It had to cover; Fitness and purpose, Clarity of communication, Appropriateness to audience, compared with original intentions, Effectiveness of techniques, Effectiveness, of content, Technical qualities and Aesthetic qualities. If you look at the idea generation; the pre-production post you can notice the stated examples in the evaluation. 

Amadeo Grazio Bezzina

Extended diploma in creative Media Productions
Unit 30: advertisement production for Television


The advert presented the Identity of the book meaning its true-Crime genre The purpose of this was so that the advert would not be .misleading even if the story was just a symbolic representation of the book's structure. The identity is made clear as the advert starts building up trough a linear structure.  
From the questioners and feedback gathered it is made clear that Clarity of Communication is well understood and the structure of the advert is clearly understandable throughout the story. In the end it is made lucid and is clear that the production is an advert therefore giving the product the identity of a thrilling crime book .Psychologically a good response is given by using the element of curiosity.
The main principle was to focus on the Attacks on the victims, the killers and the victims. The reason for this was that throughout the book the writer focuses on the victims, crimes committed and the murderers. But to follow the idea and bring out the story was challengingly since the book had a serious narrative structure. This meant we had to make sure that the broadcasting laws portraying minors and vulnerable people is not breached (chapter 145 sections 1a-2b of the broadcasting act). Therefore we manipulated the matter by using technical skills and tricks. Such as; fast cuts, shots cutes as the killer is about to attack the victim. We had to avoid violence, brutality and goriness. However, we wanted the advert to be effective and catch the audience attention by using suspense through Fast-pace and leaving and effect on the viewer that lets him figure out what happen and fill in the missing elements on his own. It was was clear that it had worked since some of the audience responded in future tense to what occurred after, also shots such as the prostitute scene which showed indication of her character. 
The advert reached all expectation of direction since the main focus was to make the audience curious in addition to making the advert interesting so people would want to buy the product. This is shown quite clearly from the gathered Information. 
Techniques which influenced the viewers were the use of a fast pace motion; to show that the killer is always on a crime spree, make the story more hectic (filled of suspense), and it’s linear and non-leaner structure.
From the gathered feedback almost all of the audience responded to the messages we wanted to send and the emotions we wanted to create. Creative approach on. 85% of the audience answered well to what we wanted to achieve. For example, they stated that the advert is effective through Post-production, lighting, structure of the story music and camera works. Most of my desired aesthetic approaches were what our group wanted to achieve and working together we brought out the message that we wanted to communicate. 

This led to us giving our audience a response which was: full of interest and curiosity to lure them into the story.
 The result of the final product turned out almost exactly to that of the original script and storyboard. The only part which has left out was that of the photos since there was no need for this idea.  

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