Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Production: Roles during the Production

The group was of 3 members, each had different roles. Here are the roles each group member took. 

Amadeo G. Bezzina Christian Bajada, Mikhail Micallef
Storyboarding and Script Writing: 
Amadeo G Bezzina
Pre-production paper Work:
Amadeo G Bezzina and  Mikhail Micallef
In charge of  Location management, talents and resources:
Mikhail Micallef
Mikhail Micallef
Amadeo G Bezzina
Christian Bajada,
Camera  assistance and rigging:
Mikhail Micallef
Direction of Cinematography:
Amadeo G Bezzina
Christian Bajada
Sound Mastering:
Christian Bajada and Amadeo G. Bezzina
Colour correction:
Chritian Bajada
Arts direction:
Amadeo G Bezzina

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